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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Warning from the British Ministry of health Regarding Energy Saving bulbs

These type of bulbs which are called Energy Saving or low Energy bulbs, are very interesting with less power could give more brightly lit. Sure they are very suitable for us.

But behind all the advantages of this bulbs, there was serious danger that could threaten our health even our live if it is broken, if it is broken.

Because it contains Mercury (poisonous) which cause migraine, disorientation, imbalances and different other health problems when inhaled. And many people with allergies, causes them severe skin condition and other diseases just by touching this substance or inhaling it.

Also the ministry warned by NOT cleaning the debris of the broken bulb with the vacuum cleaner, because it would spread the contamination to other rooms in the house while using the vacuum cleaner again.

It must be cleaned through normal broom or brush and be kept in a sealed bag and thrown right away from the house in the bin for hazardous materials.

Notice: Mercury is dangerous, more poisonous than lead or arsenic!!!!
Always be remmember, "BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY"



Anonymous said...

I wish to know the source of this news, because I also think energy saving bulbs with mercury aren´t the future, but it seems no British Ministry of Health said that. At least, I can´t find it by googling.

ferry3 said...

Thanks for your visit,
I got the article from
Yes may this statement is not from british ninistry of health, but it's not a rumors that the CFL is very dangerous for our health especially when it been broken.
For your further info please refer to:

Unknown said...

Sounds like another one of those Urban myths tome. I'm quite sure that if this were true it would have made the newspapers!


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